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Everything you need to know about BASE jumping


BASE jumping is an extreme sport that has been around for several decades. It involves jumping off of extreme heights with a parachute as the only safety device. BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span (bridge), and Earth (cliff). BASE jumping has become increasingly popular in recent years, due to its adrenaline-filled experience and stunning views.

The first step to BASE jumping is finding a suitable location. BASE jumpers search for cliffs, bridges, or buildings that are a minimum of 300 feet tall. They must also make sure that the area is free from obstacles and other hazards. It is also important to make sure that the jump is legal, as some areas prohibit BASE jumping. When it comes to safety, BASE jumpers must be sure to wear a parachute, as well as a helmet and other protective gear.

Once the jumpers have arrived at their chosen spot, it’s time to prepare for the jump. BASE jumpers must first secure their parachute and make sure it is properly fitted and secure. Then, they must prepare for the actual jump. This involves setting up the parachute and running through the jump procedure. This includes checking the weather conditions, making sure all the equipment is secure, and visualizing the jump.

When all the preparations have been made, it’s time to take the leap. BASE jumpers must exit the aircraft or jump off the cliff with a powerful jump. As they freefall, they must maintain their body position, so that the parachute opens correctly. Once the parachute has opened, they can enjoy the view and the sensation of freefalling.

BASE jumping is an extreme sport that allows thrill seekers to experience a unique type of adrenaline rush. It requires a good deal of preparation and safety precautions, but for those who are willing to take the risk, it can be a very rewarding experience. The views from the top can be breathtaking and the feeling of freefalling is exhilarating. BASE jumping is not for the faint of heart, but for those looking for an extreme rush, it is an unforgettable experience.

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