The archaeological sites of Bonampak and Yaxchilan are incredible places lost in the Lacandona jungle that you can only visit after a long trip because the arrival is through a river and a jungle but once you get there you will never want to leave; the architecture is pure ancient art.
• Bonampak: This archaeological site is located in the heart of the Lacandona forest. You can admire the murals that explain you the wars and the victories of this Mayan city.
• Yaxchilán: In this Mayan site was found a huge amount of prehispanics sculptures on the bank of the wide river Usumacinta. The structure of this site is in the middle of the jungle.
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- Transport
- Drinks
- Equipment
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PRINTED - Printed Voucher. Print and bring the voucher to enjoy the activity.
As a result of local government measures and guidelines put in place by services providers – including hotels and ancillaries – guests may find that some facilities or services are not available. Please visit for further information.
Starting point: ADDRESS - location.Description, Chiapas, Mexico - (Longitude: 0.000000, Latitude: 0.000000)
Ending point: Same - Same as Starting Point
- Tickets
- Transport
- Drinks
- Equipment
Important Info: